The Shadow Within - shadow work, manifestation, new moon drum journey
The Shadow Within - shadow work, manifestation, new moon drum journey
Join us for a transformative workshop, "The Shadow Within," on the day following the new moon in February. Guided by experienced facilitators, Julia Hackzell and Eva Estlander, this event offers a unique opportunity to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
Workshop Highlights:
Shadow Work: Delve into the unexplored corners of your psyche as we explore the concept of the "shadow self." Shadow work is a powerful process that involves confronting and integrating the hidden aspects of ourselves, leading to healing and wholeness.
Somatic Yoga: Experience a somatic yoga session designed to connect you with your body's wisdom. Through gentle movement, breathwork, and mindfulness, you will gain a deeper understanding of the physical and emotional imprints within you.
Manifestation: Learn effective techniques to harness the energy of the new moon, a time of fresh beginnings and intentions. Discover how to manifest your desires and goals with clarity and purpose.
Candlelight Meditation: Immerse yourself in a serene candlelit meditation, where you will have the opportunity to connect with your inner self and access your intuitive guidance. This meditation will provide a tranquil space for reflection and insight.
Julia Hackzell and Eva Estlander are experienced guides in the realms of self-discovery, yoga, and meditation. Their combined expertise and compassionate guidance will support you on this transformative journey into the depths of your being.
Who Should Attend:
"The Shadow Within" workshop is open to individuals of all levels, whether you're new to self-exploration or have prior experience with shadow work. All you need is an open heart and a willingness to explore the uncharted territories of your inner world.
Invest in Yourself:
This workshop is a unique opportunity to invest in your personal growth and well-being. As you embrace and integrate your shadow self, you'll pave the way for greater self-acceptance, empowerment, and authentic living.
📅 WHEN: February 11th, 13.30-16.00
🪬 WHAT: shadow work, manifestation, somatic yoga, kundalini practice, new moon drum journey
📍WHERE: Sagayoga, Sinebrychoffinkatu 11, 00120 Helsinki
✨Investment: 65€ including. Magic of I- notebook and Feel Good Stories- candle
Discover the hidden facets of yourself, unlock your potential, and step into a brighter, more authentic future.
Book your spot below
*Your spot is reserved by purchasing a ticket, this purchase is non-refundable once paid. If you are unable to attend, you can give your ticket to a friend.
About the facilitators
Full Moon Sound Bath + Cacao Ceremony
This is an opportunity for you to settle, receive and align with your inner intentions during this Hunter's full moon.
The afternoon will start with the drinking of the cacao within a ceremonial space for us to land physically, energetically, and mentally. Cacao increases blood flow to the heart and is a beautiful and gentle, heart-healing medicine that can help bring clarity where we are feeling unclear, stuck, or out of balance. We will then allow the medicine to further travel into our heart space through a few heart opening poses, and lastly, we will drop into our sound healing journey for receiving. You will also learn why aligning with the moon is so so powerful and an opportunity to pick an intuitive card at the end of your journey.
*Pre-registration required, as limited spots*
Time: Sat 23rd of Oct 15.00-16.45
Space: Pranama Kallio, Kolmas Linja 28
Energy exchange: 35€
Bookings here
Manifest with the Moon - A four day retreat in the beautiful Kansjerf Villa
- A four-day retreat in the beautiful Kansjerf Villa
Join yoginis Julia Hackzell & Eva Estlander on this powerful 4-day retreat in Bromarv, Raasepori this upcoming August.
This retreat will give you tools to start cultivating your own sacred rituals, teach you to align with the energy of the moon, and leave you inspired. You will uplevel your self-worth, share in a safe space and connect with like-minded women and truly pamper yourself cradled by the lush Finnish summer nature.
Throughout eons of time, peoples across the world have worshipped the moon and gathered to celebrate the full moon. The moon has been associated with feminine energy since ancient times and is also symbolic of fertility and birth. Full Moons represent completion, fulfillment, and fruition and are extremely potent for releasing old energy, but also for setting intentions for what we want to bring forth and manifest.
This retreat is for you if you…
🌹Want to align your energy with your vision.
🌹Are drawn to the Goddess Archetypes, Moon, and Divine Feminine
🌹Need a serious release of old patterns?
🌹Want to show up for your purpose
🌹Are ready to upgrade your self-worth and to take charge of your own life?
🌹Want to activate the core-self and find clarity to bring your dreams to fruition?
🌹Want to connect with like-minded women and become a part of a community
If you've answered yes 3 times or more, this is the retreat for you.
We have limited spots, so make sure to book quickly as spots are filled on a first come first serve basis! This is a retreat of magic & activation, an opportunity to empower the core-being of YOU.
General Information
Dates: 19.8-22.8.2021
Address: Kansjärvintie 170 A, 10570 Bromarv
Activities: Yoga, Meditation, Goddess work & more
Investment: 750€
Contact: or here.
Reservation & Payment
A reservation fee of 381€ is to be paid when signing up. This payment will reserve your spot at the Yoga Retreat. This is non-refundable once paid. The remaining balance of 369€ is to be paid by 9.8.2021. This payment is non-refundable once paid. You will receive more information regarding this payment later.
If you are traveling together with a friend and want to share the room, please let us know.
If you are tested positive with the covid-19 virus before the retreat we are able to give you a refund of your money.
What’s Included:
Accommodation in a unique & historical country house*
Three generous vegetarian meals a day
Opening & Closing Circle
Daily morning meditation and asana practice
Workshops, evening practices
Full moon manifestation ritual, mandala creation and more
Authentic Sauna Experience
Goodie bag
*Rooms are shared with 2 or 3 other participants.
Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact.
Magnetic Manifest vol 2. Yoga & Vision Boarding event
Looking for a creative way to manifest your dreams for the new year?
Join me and Jonna Monola for our popular vision boarding workshop at Pranama Kallio Sat 20th of Feb. We will use visualization, movement, meditation and teach you about the law of attraction for you to be able to tap into your hearts desires. We know last year was heavy for a number of reasons, which is why we want to turn the chapter with the collective energy of the new year and turn our focus on what we truly want to achieve, attract and create.
We will also be creating our own very unique vision maps through a collage of images that reflect how we want to feel, what direction we want to take and wha we want to invite into our lives.
Limited spots, make sure to reserve yours by securing a spot here:
💜Heart opening & clarity enhancing meditation
💜Yin&Yang yoga sesh 90 min
💜Vision board
📍Location: Pranama Kallio, Kolmas Linja 28, Helsinki
📅When: Sat 20.2.2021 12-3pm
💸Energy exchange: 50 €
Drum Journey & Lunar Yin
Drum Journey & Lunar Yin
Join Eva and Julia on a powerful Drum Journey & Lunar Yin session to celebrate and honor the darkest phase of this moon cycle and welcome in the Beaver New Moon Sunday November 15th 2-4.30PM!
This workshop is a great introduction to journeying to the spirit of the Drum combined with a restorative yin session to soothe your body, mind and spirit, as this year has been compromising to many of us and especially draining on our nervous systems.
We will gather in a safe space and start our eve with a Drum journey, continue with a Yin practice and journaling exercise, which after we will finish off with yet another Drum Journey accompanied with smudging ceremony with Palo Santo & Sage honoring the four directions.
All are welcome. Space is limited. Sign up required and binding.
Every month, you embark on a spiritual journey. This journey coincides with the constant ebb and flow of the 28-day lunar cycle. It begins with the new moon, when your energetic slate is wiped clean and you are encouraged to plant the seed of a fresh intention.
There is disagreement over the origin of November's beaver moon name. Some say it comes from Native Americans setting beaver traps during this month, while others say the name comes from the heavy activity of beavers building their winter dams. Another name is the frost moon.
13:45 Doors open
14:00 Silence (lie down on your mat, prepare to journey)
14:30-14.45 Journaling exercise
14:45-16:00 Lunar Yin
16:00-16.30 Closing Drum meditation ceremony
✨You will be gifted a small surprise. ✨
Inquiries & sign ups:
!! NOTE - Sign up's are binding !!
If you can't come, give your spot to a friend.
No-shows will be invoiced per email.
Please do not come if you have any flu symptoms whatsoever.
Please, bring your own mat.
Wash your hands upon arrival.
Respect personal space.
New Moon Temple // Yoga, Mudras, Mantras & Manifestation
You are invited to gather with us to honor the shadow phase of the moon (New Moon)
Throughout eons of time, peoples across the world have worshipped the moon and gathered to celebrate its phases. The moon has been associated with feminine energy since ancient times and is also symbolic of fertility and birth. New Moons represent new beginnings are extremely potent for manifestation and intention setting or initiating something new.
Join yoginis and power women Julia Hackzell and Eva Estlander, hosts of Self Worth Circle to uplevel your self-worth, share in a safe space and connect with like-minded women in the community. We welcome you to gather with us for the new moon to practice, set intentions, and manifest your hearts deepest desires.
This event is for you if you are
Ready to step up your manifestation game
Ready to upgrade your self-worth and to take charge of your own life?
You want to activate the core-self and find clarity to bring your dreams to fruition?
Connect with like-minded women and become a part of a community
We have limited spots, so make sure to book quickly as spots are filled on a first come first serve basis! This is an evening of magic & activation, an opportunity to manifest and empower the core-being of YOU.
What's included:
🌙Opening Circle
🌙Intention & Manifestation ceremony
🌙Full Body Prayer Flow / Mantra & Mudra
🌙Oracle Card Reading : Learn to do a reading & to receive messages
🌙Goodie Bags
Price: 55€ (Payment on-site cash/mobilepay)
Sign Up:
Please note that the yoga sequence will be a spicy fun exploration, meaning some experience is recommended, that being said you can always modify the practice to suit your level.
!! NOTE - Sign up's are binding !!
If you can't come, give your spot to a friend.
No-shows will be invoiced per email.
Sacred Ceremony - Connect with your cosmic soul
SACRED CEREMONY - Tap into your infinite power and connect with your cosmic soul & build your own rituals
We welcome you to join us in March to Sagayoga to learn to master the art of rituals and sacred space. We will be diving into a broad array of various methods and tools such as e the four elements, synching with the moon, crystals and tarot along with strengthening your own intuition.
Tervetuloa matkaamaan syvemmälle kosmiseen sieluusi ja ymmärtämään enemmän itsestäsi tämän mystisen workshopin ja muinaisten viisauksien avulla.
Kun mielemme on kirkas ja intentiomme selkeä ja olemme energeettisesti linjassa universumin kanssa, vasta silloin voimme todella puhjeta korkeimpaan potentiaaliimme.
Puhdistamme päivän aikana vanhoja energioita ja mennyttä draamaa pois kehostamme ja mielestämme, parannumme vanhoista haavoista sekä negatiivisista uskomuksista itseämme kohtaan sukeltamalla syvemmälle alitajuntaamme.
Päivä alkaa mieltä kirkastavalla ja sydäntäavaavalla meditaatiolla sekä joogaharjoitukselta, jonka jälkeen Matkaamme luomaan pyhän tilan, jossa opimme erilaisista seremonioista sekä miten hyödyntää neljää eri elementtiä; kuun kiertoa, kristalleita, tarot kortteja sekä oman intuition vahvistamista. Lopetamme päivän rentouttavaan äänimaljaseremoniaan.
Jokainen kuun kierros on mahdollisuus muutokseen elämässämme ja seremoniat ovat pyhiä tapoja kunnioittaa luonnonvoimia jo tuhansia vuosia. Intuitio ei ole uskomista vaan se on suoraa kokemista. Luottaessamme intuitioomme luotamme itseemme ja omaan sydämen ääneemme, matkalla kohti korkeampaa tietoisuuttamme. Luottaesssamme intuitioomme meistä tulee vapaita luomaan ja manifestoimaan kaikkea mitä todella haluamme elämältämme, puhjetaksemme täyteen potentiaaliimme tarjoamalla työkaluja jokapäiväiselle matkallesi.
Emme vaadi aiempaa kokemusta joogasta. Toivotamme kaikki ketä tämä työpaja kutsuu lämpimästi tervetulleeksi mukaan. OPetuskielenä suomi ja tarvittaessa myös englanti.
Mitä odottaa:
🔮Sydäntä avaava ja mieltä kirkastava meditaatio ja jooga
🔮Miten luoda oma pyhä tila ja rakentaa alttari
🔮Opit kuun seremonioista ja muista rituaaleista
🔮Opit energioiden puhdistuksesta
🔮Miten asettaa intentio parantua haavoista sekä manifestoida
🔮Miten käyttää tarot- ja intentiokortteja tukena joka päiväisessä elämässä
🔮Opit kristallien parantavasta voimasta
🔮Sound Bath päivän lopuksi
🔮Goodiebag yllätyksellä kotiin vietäväksi
HINTA: 55€
Missä: Sagayoga SUN , Sepänkatu 19
Milloin: 28.3.2020 klo 13-16
FIND YOUR VOICE - A journey to the 5th Chakra
FIND YOUR VOICE - A journey to the 5th Chakra // FEB 15th 11.00-13.00, 2020
The throat chakra is the center of communication and interpersonal relationships, and to be open and aligned in the fifth chakra means to speak, listen, and express yourself from a higher form of communication.
The fifth energy center is also associated with having healthy boundaries, speaking your truth and expressing yourself in a kind, peaceful and creative way. This chakra is one of the chakras we often wise tend to struggle with and something we can continuously work on in a more purposeful and intentional way.
Join me in this fifth chakra balancing practice of movement, breath, sound, creativity and play. Please bring a notebook and pen for one one the exercises we will be doning during this workshop.
11.00 Opening words
11.15 Meditation & pranayama
11.45 Writing exercise
12.00 FIND YOUR VOICE: Speak Up
12.30 Creative movement
13.00 Wrap up
A balanced fifth chakra can help us have more success in our professional lives as well as our personal relationships.
The workshop is held with the PAY WHAT YOU CAN -philosophy. (Recommendation 20/25€)
Cancellations must be made at least 24 prior to the event.
An uncanceled spot will be charged 20€.
Magnetic Manifest
Make 2020 into your dream year. Kickstart the year with this empowering manifestation & yoga workshop and learn how to utilize the law of attraction for your benefit. This is the third year we are hosting this event and as space is limited, make sure to secure your spot by signing up soon!
Location: Saga Yoga SPACE
Energy exchange: 45€