My very first blog post
Welcome to mi mundo!
Hi, and nice to virtually meet you, somehow you stumbled here and I am happy you did. This is my very first blog post and I am glad you're here reading it. My first entry will be about my decision to blog: the choice to put myself out there.
Ever since I moved to Mexico (almost 5 years ago now), I've been told to start blogging and writing about my quite unusual life (well at least for a Finnish Swedish chick) living in the tropics in a small beach town in Mexico. It took me 5 years to get here, and let me tell you something, it's been a bumpy road.
I used to be very shy and introverted. My mom used to always tell me to lift my chin up as kid because I used to walk looking down at my feet. Side note: Finnish people in general are very introverted, some would even argue that they're anti social. So, deciding to blog and share about the things I do was a big decision for me, yet here I am typing. I've come to learn that putting yourself out there and courageously shining your light is your birthright. Why should I (or you) hide? Or why should I try to dim my light? Criticism and opinions are hard to avoid unless you live a life doing absolutely nada, so why not go for it. Heck! I might even inspire someone. So that's that, a big step for me and I am still quite unsure where it will take me, but for now, I welcome you to come back here if any of the following subjects interest you, since this is what I'll mainly blog about:
Yoga, surfing, health, beach life, wellness, meditation, empowerment, fashion, food (especially about tacos), tips on Sayulita (where to go, what to do), traveling, friends and so on.
That's it for now. Stay tuned. More to come.
Jessica L. Moody captured this moment yesterday.
Yup. Going for it.